Medical Record Exchange is not available at this time.
To automatically share your medical history with us, you need to follow two steps:
You can share your medical history with us if you are receiving Medicare Part A, B & D claims. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) collects information from your doctor and hospital visits and maintains it in a secure environment. To share this data with us, you must first create an account on the website for accessing your data. The following link will take you to account creation: Create Account
If you already have an account for accessing your accessing your Medicare claims data, then you can share your medical history with us automatically. For the decision aid to work properly, you are required to have joined CMS Medicare programs for more than 1 year. When you click on the data exchange option, you will be asked to sign into your CMS account. Once you sign in, select to share all of your data (this includes diagnoses, medications, and hospitalization); and personal data (including age and gender). You will see an option such as this:
Once you allow us, we will automatically download your portion of your medical history that is relevant to selecting the best antidepressant.
We look for about 400 common diagnoses and medications in the medical history. If you have any one of these 400 features, we record it on our system. We do not record or keep your name, medical record number, social security number, phone number, email, date of birth, or any other personal information. We also do not call, email, or contact you to ask for this information at any time.
Because we do not keep any personal information, there is no risk of accidentally releasing your information to the public. We keep your de-identified medical history in secure servers. In case our security is breached, it is not possible to link the data to you. Because we do not keep your contact information, there is no way for us to inform you of any breach of security in our systems.
We provide you with a report on antidepressants most likely to help you. This recommendation is based on average remission rates of more than 100 person with similar medical history as you. This report comes with an ID. This ID will allow you to share our recommendation with your clinician. The ID is not unique to you and is shared with at least 100 people for whom the same report is appropriate. If you lose this ID, we have no way of providing you with the correct ID. You would have to share your medical history with us again to obtain a new report ID.
This service is free. This is an informational service and not medical care. George Mason University Institutional Review Board has decided that this is an information service and not research. You would need to take our recommendations to your clinician before acting on it. Please read our medical disclaimer notice. Medical Disclaimer Notice
If at any time you have a concern, you can reach the principal investigator of this project by sending an email to If you do not want to provide us with access to your medical history on CMS, please close this page. Otherwise, click on the button below to indicate your consent for us to access your medical history.
Medical Record Exchange is not available at this time.